



May'O Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd. has formed a complete supply chain management system from material supplier management to finished product quality management to customer management.  Every step is strictly controlled to ensure the quality of products and services. The company's quality management system is a comprehensive system of full participation, comprehensive control and continuous improvement. It runs through the entire quality formation process. Each link in the system is interlocked, mutually supervised and mutually promoted to be aimed at implementing the quality requirements in practice.

The company's leaders and management always regard quality issues as the core of production work, and put the training of employees' quality awareness in an important position, so that employees can clarify their respective work requirements and responsibilities, and help employees to establish the "quality first" thought, strengthen the sense of responsibility, improve the subjective initiative of employees, and be able to maintain the reputation and interests of the company.

The quality problem is not only the responsibility of a certain department or a certain position, but is closely related to every link and every employee. The grassroots employees should adhere to the concept of “keep improving” in product quality and strictly abide by the operating procedures to do well for more, well for quickness, well for saving, earnestly do self-inspection and mutual inspection work, find problems in a timely manner, and make timely feedback on existing problems, tracking related issues, together with the quality control department to do good prevention and supervision and to make sure everyone can control the quality.


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