



In M'ayo, we advocate fairness, "qualifications" only represent the past, "effort" can change the future;
In M'ayo, we advocate innovation, not afraid of your dreams, I am afraid you have no courage to challenge;
Join M'ayo family, you can enjoy
★ fast growth platform, a broad space for development and the realization of self stage
★ a variety of paid training (pre-job training, professional skills training, etc.)
★ enjoy the welfare of the festival, meal, birthday cake and many other benefits.
★ join the passionate and experienced team will be better to achieve self.

Executive accounting
Job Responsibilities:

1. Completion of financial accounting and cost control, budgeting and implementation;

2. The overall tax planning and management of the company, on time to complete the tax declaration and the annual audit work;

3. To participate in and track the company's major investment, financing and other business activities;

4. Preparation of relevant financial reports and disclosure;

5. Organize and coordinate financial department management.

job requirements?:

1. There are intermediate grade or certified public accountant qualification certificate;

2. Bachelor degree or above in Finance, Auditing, Finance and other related fields;

3 years of accounting work experience, there are related retail, distribution accounting experience;

4. Proficient in accounting and supervision process, proficient in tax laws and regulations;

5. Has a strong financial information statistics, forecasting, analysis and execution;

6. love and dedication, have good coordination skills.

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