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    Qingdao May’O Arts and Crafts Co.,Ltd is established in 2006, and it is a fashion jewelry enterprise which is integrated with development, design, manufacturing, and marketing at home and abroad.
May’O roots in the source of world fashion jewelry. So far, it has passed social responsibility audit for over 20 famous brands, like Gap, Chicos, Guess, Express and so on. Also, it has become the direct unique Chinese supplier of world fashion giant H&M and C&A in the worldwide market. Its products have been sold to more than 80 countries and over 30,000 shops.
May’O owns 100 staff design team, designs and develops over 25,000-style new products yearly, owns complete processing technique equipments, over 10 production lines, and over 300 supporting employees. Under the promotion of super strong design and production ability, the monthly capacity reaches to 5 million pieces.
May’O takes the lead to use total quality management system in jewelry industry, and also the first one to utilize BPM&ERP system to make itself be far ahead for holistic management level in jewelry industry.
May’O constantly pursuits innovation, at the same time, it devote itself to search and cultivate talented persons. During the together growing process of talents and company, may’O always keep its original passion, initial energy and strong development potential.
Qingdao May’O Arts and Crafts Co.,Ltd always takes the core value of “teamwork, sharing, persistence, ambition”, constantly completes company system and optimizes business process to offer the best product and the most valuable service for all customers worldwide, and to offer the self-realizing, dream-overstepping development platform for all employees. 

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